brad king

The Downtown Writers Jam Podcast — with Brad King

I had a hell of a lot of fun talking with Brad King (who hates poetry) about both these strange times we’re living in, and the challenges of putting out a big project during them. It was some tequila to nip at, and a conversation that absolutely breezed by — always a good sign. I hardly remember what I said, but I do know we touched on growing up in rural spots all over New Mexico, college, and how I found my way to writing then spent some time on the A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST - UNABRIDGED AUDIO project. Brad is a long-time lit-lover, and supporter of writers of every stripe, so after listening to our chat, enjoy delving
deeper into the archives HERE.

And here’s the trailer again, for those looking for the broad strokes on the new audio project!



Well, May is going to be busy!

With the pandemic upon us, the PRINTER and the BINDER can’t even work in the same space, but bit by bit and piece by piece it’s all coming together! And while there are other pieces in different stages of ready TBD later, here’s is a list of the fun stuff we’ve already got planned leading up to the official A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST - UNABRIDGED AUDIO release: