GUCCI Goings-On at the HQ…

Mind Blown!

Mind Blown!

The HQ is buzzing because books are being packed up and will soon be sent out. The hardbacks need one final piece of design, then they too will be in the wind. Many thank yous to those who’ve bought special editions — you know you make me feel good, don’t cha? A paltry few copies of the mini-collage trade paperback remain, otherwise I’ll soon have standard editions available at the STORE, and you can find e-book editions at both Smashwords and Kindle, and print copies from the mega-giant you-know-where (who doesn’t need any extra help from me).

The Next Best Book Club put Chinese Gucci through the Page 69 Test, the results of which can be read HERE

Also, HYPERTEXT Magazine was nice enough to ask me “WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO MAKE YOUR PROTAGONIST SO ABRASIVE?” — and you can read why HERE.

Burning River and the Alibi...


Chris Bowen, who I’ve shared a press and a cover designer with over the years, was kind enough to give me some space to ramble (and post my cool bookmaking video) over at his Burning River blog. It was a good time, and speaks a bit to how and why we should each find our own way. You can read it HERE.

And the Arts Editor Maggie Grimason over at The Alibi asked me a few questions about Chinese Gucci, which was mighty kind of her! Pop on over for a read and maybe let them know you enjoyed it…and possibly even defend me against my (actual, truly) good buddy Craig’s slanderous (and hilarious) claims!