More Drunk Poem Animations...

My super-smart and super-lovely wife told me that, despite both the book and now the audiobook being out for a while, I should keep making my drunk poems into animated videos. And she’s never led me astray, so that’s exactly what I’m doing!

You may recall, the book is…not short. So, it’s going to be quite an undertaking. To animate EACH AND EVERY drunk poem from the A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST using the readings recorded for the audiobook (whenever I’ve got the time and money to do it) will surely take years.

But there are so many cool styles and approaches to animation, and so many folks out there in the world just trying to do their thing — that I’m going to do my part to share as much of it as I can!

If you (or anyone you know) might be interested in helping out, feel free to reach out HERE.

And just for the heck of it, we’ve been toying with some claymation bits for the website. So, who knows, maybe we’ll see some drunk poems done up like so…