Hear ye, hear ye — I’m pleased to announce that DrunkSkull Books will be hanging out at the SMOL FAIR in just over a month’s time. I mean, we still got this pandemic let’s not get too crazy!

What is it, you ask?

SMOL Fair is an alternative book fair which will be 'live' from March 3-7, 2021.  In addition to featuring small presses, they will be organizing readings and opportunities for readers to connect with authors and publishers. In short, a whole lotta small press goodness all gathered up in one spot — all through the magic of the internet!

To attend events, join their mailing list.  To enter give-aways, follow them on Twitter or Facebook.  

Here at DrunkSkull HQ, we’ll definitely be giving away some free stuff in support of the fair, and all the folks working so hard to make it a reality. So if the small press is your jam, mark it down on your calendar. There’s already over 100 presses and indy-book types involved…so it shouldn’t be too hard to find something interesting to read!