Autographed copies on the shelves soon…
Eliza and Eric, over at Two Dollar Radio HQ, have been kind enough to take a couple copies of a few books to sell at the ol’ brick & mortar there in Columbus, Ohio. So if you’re in that neck out the woods and were hoping to thumb through something before buying, you’ll soon have exactly that opportunity!
I’ve been a fan of what they do — be it books, or movies, or festivals, or even tasty grub — for a long time now. They do lots of hustling for their writers, and routinely score nationwide press for their books. They’re “no-wasted-bullets” approach to publishing is exactly the kind of uncompromising commitment to a vision that I aspire to, and they raise up big and talented voices having big and important conversations with every project they put out.
Any-who…they’ll soon have a few of my books in their store. They’re willing to stock books by this fly-by-night, one-horse institution because when it comes to their commitment to the independent press, they do more than just talk a big game…they actually put their chips in the middle…and do plenty to “Keep Books Dangerous.”
So if you’re interested — get in touch with them ( 1124 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43206 | 614-725-1505 | TwoDollarRadioHQ--at--gmail ). During the pandemic they are offering private book browsing by appointment.
Tell ‘em Hosh sent you!